Ways You Can Get Involved



Anyone is welcome to work in our garden. All volunteer shifts are led by a captain, who lets people know what’s on the list to be done and helps people to learn. To find out about work sessions and how you can volunteer, please join one of our committees.

Are you a school or a business interested in volunteering as a group in the garden? Please email maple3garden@gmail.com.


We encourage all volunteers to become members, although that is not a requirement to help out in the garden. Becoming a member is a way to support the garden with your fees and commits you to a committee (as long as shifts are available). Membership also gives you the chance to vote in general meetings and requires you to attend a minimum of 2 per year. To find out more about membership including its responsibilities, privileges, fees, and bylaws, please visit our Membership Page.


If you are unable to volunteer, please feel free to support our garden with a monetary contribution by clicking here. Donations and membership dues are the only regular income the garden receives and allows us to purchase tools and equipment, maintain garden and compost beds, and any other needs that come up throughout the year.


If you want to support us by donating or offering us gardening equipment (garden hoses, pots, tools, spare netting, drip irrigation parts, etc), please reach out via email.